PROFESSIONALS IN INSURANCE BROKING THROUGHOUT HUNGARYBROKER-RING Budapest - Szeged - ZalaerszegPOLIP INSURANCE Services Plc. H-1026 Budapest, Gabor Aron u. 4, Hungary Tel: (361) 200-8482 Tel/Fax: (361) 200-8393 POLIP INSURANCE is one of the top ten insurance broking operations in Hungary. As an associate of leading French brokerage LA SECURITE NOUVELLE S.A. (Paris), the company relies on the expertise and support of GROUPE LA SECURITE NOUVELLE, as well as the professional background of the London-based international LOWNDES LAMBERT GROUP. POLIP INSURANCE is a specialist in comprehensive industrial coverage, professional indemnity schemes, further bonded warehouses and marine insurance. Members offering regional services are:
The expertise of BROKER-RING includes the organisation of captives and employee benefit funds.
Dr. Peter Takats |