First National Investment Fund

Established under the mass privatisation programme, the First National Investment Fund will debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in June 1997. Investors will be able to access the unquoted high growth opportunities in the Polish economy on which the fund will concentrate to build value proactively on behalf of shareholders.

Pierwszy Fundusz Inwestycyjny SA

First National Investment Fund

List od PrezesaLetter from the President
Pierwszy Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny First National Investment Fund SA
Firma zarzadzajaca Pierwszym NFI The Management Company
Udzialowcy firmy zarzadzajacej Shareholders of the Management Company
Organizacja firmy zarzadzajacej The Management Company Organisation
Strategiczne kierunki rozwoju Key Strategic Directions
Spolki w portfelu Pierwszego NFI Companies where the Fund is a 33% shareholder

Ul Biala 3
Warsaw 00-895 Poland
Tel: 48 22 620 7198
Fax: 48 22 6204184
For more information on First National Investment Fund please contact:
