General economic indicators of the Republic of Kazakhstan
| 1994 | 1995 | 1996 |
Area (thous square km) | 2,724.9 | 2,724.9 | 2,724.9 |
Population (mid-year, min pers) | 187.03 | 16.59 | 16.4 |
GDP, nominal (bin tenge) | 449.9 | 1019.7 | 1415.8 |
GDP growth % (compare prices) | -17.8 | -8.9 | 1.1 |
Industrial producers price index, % (end of year) | 2,042.8 | 140.2 | 118.5 |
Consumer price index (inflation), % end of year) | 1,258.3 | 160.3 | 128.7 |
Kazakhstan's balance of payments
(Analytical presentation)
US$ million
| 1995 | 1996** |
A Current Account | 518.4 | -740.3 |
Trade balance | 222.4 | -373.9 |
Exports fob | 5,196.7 | 5,613.1 |
Imports fob | 5,419.1 | 5,987.0 |
Net Services | -208.1 | -181.1 |
Transportation | 64.5 | 45.6 |
Other | -272.6 | -226.7 |
Income | -146.9 | -234.9 |
interest (loans & credits) | -101.5 | -132.6 |
interest (reserves) | 34.9 | 19.3 |
Other | -80.3 | -121.5 |
Current transfers | 59.0 | 49.6 |
B Capital & Financial Account | 681.6 | 1681.2 |
Capital transfers | -380.6 | -260.5 |
Migrants transfers | -380.6 | -260.5 |
Other | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Direct investment | 895.2 | 1214.0 |
Other investment | 502.9 | 257.2 |
Trade credits | 131.9 | -98.5 |
drawings | 265.0 | 143.8 |
amortisation | -117.6 | -215.2 |
Payments arrears - principal | -15.5 | -27.1 |
loans | 371.0 | 355.7 |
drawings | 352.4 | 352.2 |
amortisation | 18.6 | 3.5 |
Other capital | -335.9 | 470.5 |
C Errors and omissions | -20.4 | -971.2 |
D Overall balance | 142.8 | -30.3 |
E Financing | -142.8 | 30.3 |
Monetary gold | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Net foreign exchange | -144.5 | -10.5 |
Foreign assets NBK | -285.6 | -145.7 |
IMF credit | 141.1 | 135.2 |
Exceptional financing | 1.8 | 40.8 |
Payments arrears - interest | -13.2 | 13.6 |
Payments arrears - principal | 15.0 | 27.1 |
Debt forgiveness | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Financing gap | 0.0 | 0.0 |
** preliminary estimates
Key economic statistics in 1996
| Measuring unit | 1995 January | 1996 Jan-Dec |
GDP (nominal) | bln tenge | 1019.7 | 1415.8 |
% change over same period in previous year | % | 91.1 | 101.1 |
Volume of industrial production | bln tenge | 642.9 | 721.9 |
% change over same period in previous year | % | 92.1 | 100.3 |
Capital investments | bln tenge | 131.2 | 92.5 |
% change over same period in previous year | % | 83 | 65.1 |
Retail trade turnover (on official registered enterprises) | bln tenge | 110.6 | 141.8 |
% change over same period in previous year | % | 77.0 | 103.8 |
Conumer price index | % | 160.3 | 100.8 |
Industrial producers price index | % | 140.2 | 100.7 |
Employment | thous pers | 4452.1 | 4432.1 |
Employment rate | % | 88.4 | 88.9 |
Unemployed | thous pers | 203.2 | 282.4 |
Unemployment rate | % | - | 216.2 |
Average monthly nominal wages | tenge | 5,117.0 | 6,852.0 |
Average real montly wages | tenge | 5,411.8 | 6,797.6 |
General economic indicators of the Republic of Kazakhstan
| 1994 | 1995 | 1996 |
Area (thous square km) | 2,724.9 | 2,724.9 | 2,724.9 |
Population (mid-year, min pers) | 187.03 | 16.59 | 16.4 |
GDP, nominal (bin tenge) | 449.9 | 1019.7 | 1415.8 |
GDP growth % (compare prices) | -17.8 | -8.9 | 1.1 |
Industrial producers price index, % (end of year) | 2,042.8 | 140.2 | 118.5 |
Consumer price index (inflation), % end of year) | 1,258.3 | 160.3 | 128.7 |
Kazakhstan's balance of payments
(Analytical presentation)
US$ million
| 1995 | 1996** |
A Current Account | 518.4 | -740.3 |
Trade balance | 222.4 | -373.9 |
Exports fob | 5,196.7 | 5,613.1 |
Imports fob | 5,419.1 | 5,987.0 |
Net Services | -208.1 | -181.1 |
Transportation | 64.5 | 45.6 |
Other | -272.6 | -226.7 |
Income | -146.9 | -234.9 |
interest (loans & credits) | -101.5 | -132.6 |
interest (reserves) | 34.9 | 19.3 |
Other | -80.3 | -121.5 |
Current transfers | 59.0 | 49.6 |
B Capital & Financial Account | 681.6 | 1681.2 |
Capital transfers | -380.6 | -260.5 |
Migrants transfers | -380.6 | -260.5 |
Other | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Direct investment | 895.2 | 1214.0 |
Other investment | 502.9 | 257.2 |
Trade credits | 131.9 | -98.5 |
drawings | 265.0 | 143.8 |
amortisation | -117.6 | -215.2 |
Payments arrears - principal | -15.5 | -27.1 |
loans | 371.0 | 355.7 |
drawings | 352.4 | 352.2 |
amortisation | 18.6 | 3.5 |
Other capital | -335.9 | 470.5 |
C Errors and omissions | -20.4 | -971.2 |
D Overall balance | 142.8 | -30.3 |
E Financing | -142.8 | 30.3 |
Monetary gold | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Net foreign exchange | -144.5 | -10.5 |
Foreign assets NBK | -285.6 | -145.7 |
IMF credit | 141.1 | 135.2 |
Exceptional financing | 1.8 | 40.8 |
Payments arrears - interest | -13.2 | 13.6 |
Payments arrears - principal | 15.0 | 27.1 |
Debt forgiveness | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Financing gap | 0.0 | 0.0 |
** preliminary estimates
Key economic statistics in 1996
| Measuring unit | 1995 January | 1996 Jan-Dec |
GDP (nominal) | bln tenge | 1019.7 | 1415.8 |
% change over same period in previous year | % | 91.1 | 101.1 |
Volume of industrial production | bln tenge | 642.9 | 721.9 |
% change over same period in previous year | % | 92.1 | 100.3 |
Capital investments | bln tenge | 131.2 | 92.5 |
% change over same period in previous year | % | 83 | 65.1 |
Retail trade turnover (on official registered enterprises) | bln tenge | 110.6 | 141.8 |
% change over same period in previous year | % | 77.0 | 103.8 |
Conumer price index | % | 160.3 | 100.8 |
Industrial producers price index | % | 140.2 | 100.7 |
Employment | thous pers | 4452.1 | 4432.1 |
Employment rate | % | 88.4 | 88.9 |
Unemployed | thous pers | 203.2 | 282.4 |
Unemployment rate | % | - | 216.2 |
Average monthly nominal wages | tenge | 5,117.0 | 6,852.0 |
Average real montly wages | tenge | 5,411.8 | 6,797.6 |

Top | Table Index | CIS