Latvia: economic indicators
Structure of foreign trade 1995 - Export
Structure of foreign trade 1995 - Import
FDI by country (1991-1995)
Dynamics of GDP by branch 1990-1995
Latvia: economic indicators
| 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 |
Private sector: % GDP | 31 | 47 | 53 | 60 | n/a |
Growth rate: % | -35 | -15 | 2 | 0.9 | 1 |
Unemployment: % | 2.1 | 5.3 | 6.5 | 6 | n/a |
Inflation: % | 958 | 35 | 26.1 | 23.1 | 20.2 |
Budget balance: % GDP | -0.8 | 0.6 | -4.2 | -4.5 | -3 |
Trade balance (US$m) | -40 | 3 | -301 | n/a | n/a |
Current account balance (US$m) | 191 | 417 | 201 | n/a | n/a |
Overall balance (US$m) | 37 | 298 | 57 | n/a | n/a |
Foreign currency reserves: months' imports | 2 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 3.6 | n/a |
National interest rates | n/a | 86.36 | 55.86 | 34.56 | n/a |
Social security spending (% total spending) | n/a | n/a | 36.69 | n/a | n/a |
Exchange rate: leva to US$1.00 | 0.843 | 0.595 | 0.548 | 0.537 | 0.552 |
Source: EBRD, IMF and others
Structure of foreign trade 1995 - Export
Export industry | Percentage of export trade |
Wood and articles of wood | 25 per cent |
Textiles | 13 per cent |
Machinery and electrical equipment | 11 per cent |
Foodstuffs | 8 per cent |
Base metals | 7 per cent |
Chemicals | 4 per cent |
Animal products | 3 per cent |
Transport vehicles | 2 per cent |
Leather | 1 per cent |
Footwear | 1 per cent |
Building materials | 1 per cent |
| |
Other goods | 20 per cent |
Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 4 per cent |
Source: Latvian Development Agency
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Structure of foreign trade 1995 - Import
Import industry | Percentage of import trade |
Machinery and electrical equipment | 20 per cent |
Minerals | 19 per cent |
Chemicals | 9 per cent |
Base metals | 5 per cent |
Transport vehicles | 4 per cent |
Textiles | 4 per cent |
Plastics | 3 per cent |
Timber products | 2 per cent |
Foodstuffs | 1 per cent |
Animal products | 1 per cent |
Vegetable products | 1 per cent |
Footwear | 1 per cent |
Optical instruments | 1 per cent |
| |
Other goods | 27 per cent |
Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 1 per cent |
Source: Latvian Development Agency
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FDI by country (1991-1995)
Country | Percentage of FDI |
United Kingdom | 18 per cent |
USA | 14 per cent |
Denmark | 12 per cent |
Finland | 9 per cent |
Germany | 7 per cent |
Russia | 6 per cent |
Ireland | 5 per cent |
Netherlands | 4 per cent |
Switzerland | 4 per cent |
Sweden | 3 per cent |
| |
Other | 18 per cent |
Source: Latvian Development Agency
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Dynamics of GDP by branch 1990-1995 (at constant 1993 prices, in per cent, 1990=100)
| 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 |
Gross domestic product (GDP) of which: | 89.60 | 58.40 | 49.70 | 50.00 | 49.20 |
Gross value added at basic prices | 88.90 | 57.50 | 49.30 | 49.70 | 48.90 |
Agriculture, hunting and forestry | 98.00 | 69.50 | 56.00 | 47.30 | 46.30 |
Fishing | 96.90 | 46.90 | 37.50 | 35.50 | 39.90 |
Mining & quarrying | 88.00 | 48.00 | 32.20 | 45.40 | 38.60 |
Manufacturing | 100.40 | 51.50 | 34.80 | 31.10 | 28.80 |
Electricity, gas and water supply | 97.20 | 68.40 | 54.90 | 53.80 | 53.70 |
Construction | 59.40 | 24.40 | 12.30 | 13.70 | 16.00 |
Services | 88.20 | 74.90 | 79.90 | 86.80 | 86.10 |
Taxes on products (minus subsidies) | 96.90 | 67.10 | 53.70 | 53.40 | 52.20 |
Source: Latvian Development Agency

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