The aim of WATA is to be a worldwide network of agencies of which the quality is indisputable.
This level of quality must be the characteristic of all WATA members.
It is only when this is achieved that we will see an increase in the volume of business transacted between the WATA members and that the promotion of their services to the travel trade, both outbound and inbound, will become successful.
To reach this level of quality all WATA members should adhere to the rules mentioned in the Code of Conduct.
If the WATA headquarters were to receive complaints against a member not respecting these rules, such complaints will be examined by the Executive Committee who could decide to terminate the affiliation of this member (Article of Association Article IV - Membership, letter c).
I General rules applicable for transactions between WATA members, as well as between WATA members and non-WATA members
- The services rendered by WATA members must be the most competitive in price for better, or at least equal, quality than that of their local competitors.
Replies to any request must be made without any delay, in principle within 48 hours.
- All payments must be effected according to the usual practice of the trade or within the period agreed upon.
- Payments outside the country of residence of the WATA members must be effected in the currency agreed upon by the parties concerned. In case of exchange regulations applicable to intentional payments, it is the responsibility of the WATA member located in a country with such regulations to undertake all necessary steps to be able to meet the payment deadline agreed upon.
II Special rules applicable to WATA members in their dealings with other WATA members
When a WATA member has business for a certain destination, the WATA member of this destination must be given the opportunity to quote for such business. If this quotation is not accepted, the reasons for the refusal must be communicated, if requested.
- WATA members must give priority to the services offered by other WATA members in their business dealings provided that such services are similar in price and contents to those of local competitors.
- Terms of payment between WATA members should be fixed by agreement. However, WATA members should benefit from the best facilities offered by the WATA members on the market. Pre-payments should only be asked for when the amount involved in the transaction is in excess of the WATA guarantee or when the servicing agency has to pay a deposit to secure the transaction.
- The existence of the WATA guarantee between members up to Sfr.5,000 should eliminate the need for pre payment lower than this amount.
III Relations between the WATA members and the WATA headquarters
- Each WATA member must inform the entire staff of his/her agency about WATA and one or two persons should be designated in each office as WATA contacts.
- The invoices sent by the headquarters must be paid within 30 days. In case of currency regulations applicable to international payments, if such regulations impose a longer delay the proof that the transfer has been requested immediately must be submitted to the headquarters.
- Information of any nature requested by the headquarters must be supplied without delay.
To achieve the desired promotion of the WATA name, each member must:
- print the WATA logo at least on his letter-head, vouchers and tariffs;
- clearly display the WATA emblem in his office;
- promote at any occasion WATA and in particular with all partners of the travel trade of his city or region.