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Top Tips For Adding Value To Your Airbnb Property

1. Adding Space

An easy way to add extra space to your Airbnb is it convert your loft, extend your property or build a conservatory, but these are not always suitable for everyone.

Converting your loft space is one of the most popular ways of increasing the number of bedrooms and can increase your Airbnb’s value by as much as 20 percent. In some cases planning permission is not needed - but you will need to assess whether a loft conversion will be in keeping with the property and if it will be a worthwhile investment.

Building a conservatory will increase the amount of living space within your property - which is always desirable. But you must make sure that it is built in the same style as the rest of the house as there is a danger that it will look like it’s just been stuck onto the back of your property and is separate from the rest of the house. A conservatory will cost anywhere between £5,000 and £30,000 but can add between 5 and 10% percent to the property’s value.

Add an extra helping hand

Owning an Airbnb alone can be a challenge during holiday months, keeping up with the demand for your Airbnb can always do with a helping hand.

That’s why thousands of Airbnb owners use help from holiday let management - there’s no better property management company out there than Hello Guest!

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2. Target Your Audience

If you have gone to the effort and spent the money on extending your property make sure you present it appropriately.

For example, if you think that a young family will be most likely to rent your Airbnb make sure the spare room is set up as a playroom or a nursery.

3. Update the Kitchen and Bathroom

The kitchen has fast become the central part of the Airbnb - you no longer just use it to cook in, you have parties, watch television, and even do homework in it. The bathroom has also become a popular room, and the way forward is to keep things simple.

A golden rule when updating and changing rooms is to make sure you utilise the space and make efficient work surfaces in kitchens and efficient storage in the bathroom.

4. Paint the Front of your Property

If you think about a viewing, what is the first thing that will be seen? Usually, the front of the house - making sure their first impression is a good one is therefore imperative. Painting the front of the house will help to give your property a fresh, clean look and could add thousands to the value.

Also, make sure the paths (especially to the front door) are clean and weed-free and that the garden is tidy and the gutters are clear.

Following the idea that first impressions count, add a few extras to your front door. Give it a fresh lick of paint and add new door furniture. The whole idea is to make your house look fresh, tidy, and inviting to holiday goers.